Harpenden Choral Society has an established reputation for high quality performances with professional soloists and orchestras. We give four concerts a year including a carol concert and hold an open workshop or ‘Come and Sing’ event once a year. Most of our concerts are in the Harpenden area.  Since our formation in 1975 the choir has grown from strength to strength and our repertoire now includes most of the major choral works as well as some lesser-known works and contemporary pieces.  


Saturday 21st June 2025, 7.00pm

St Nicholas’ Church, Harpenden, AL5 2TP.

Joanna Forbes L’ Estrange: A Season to Sing

Bach: Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring

Bruckner: Ave Maria

Ireland: Greater Love

Tallis: If Ye Love Me

Tavener: A Song for Athene

Vaughan Williams: Lord Thou Hast Been Our Refuge